Best-Anons 2019. Purchase information -universal script announcement servers Lineage 2. Вдохновившись такими анонсами как l2oops, l2hop, la2on, l2op, а также другими малоизвестными, но достойными внимания сайтами, был создан данный скрипт. Powerful DLE functionality and well-formed template allow you to easily manage the announcement.

Purchase information:
Price: 200$
Included in the price: Script announcement + module multilanguage + installation on your hosting
The price does not include the cost of the DLE license. You choose the type of license and buy it on your account.
After purchasing the script you will receive a lifetime 25% discount on advertising in the group
Provided that you do not remove the copyright of Best-Anons from the basement of the site. Conditions are subject to change.
- Convenient improved time-tested structure
- Elegant minimalist design
- The maximum amount of information without unnecessary clicks.
- Universal label system
- Multilanguage without limitation on the number of languages
- Automate most processes, including timer actions (such as deleting a server at a selected time)
Video demonstration:
Home Page:

Purchase information:
Price: 200$
Included in the price: Script announcement + module multilanguage + installation on your hosting
The price does not include the cost of the DLE license. You choose the type of license and buy it on your account.
After purchasing the script you will receive a lifetime 25% discount on advertising in the group
Provided that you do not remove the copyright of Best-Anons from the basement of the site. Conditions are subject to change.